Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Limited Government

Limited Government seems like a long lost dream these days. The federal government has become so incredibly bloated and invades every part of our lives so extensively that it seems the "genie" can never be put back in the bottle. So the question is, can the size of government be reduced in any meaningful way? Probably not without major disruption to our way of life. As we've seen in Wisconsin over the last couple of weeks, the people who benefit from bigger government are not going to be willing to give it up without a fight. But, the day is going to come and in many ways is already here when the producers can no longer pay the bills. What can we do. Begin by voting ONLY for candidates who promise to reduce the size of government at all levels. Second, contact your current Representatives and Senators and encourage them to vote to reduce government. We have to reduce ALL of government, nothing is sacred. Current wisdom seems to indicate that if all government spending was eliminated except for Social Security and Medicare we still are in a deficit situation. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS BROKE! The spending has got to stop no matter how "worthy" the cause may seem. Third, be prepared for the time when civil disobedience becomes necessary. The Founding Fathers were the perfect examples of civil disobedience which of course evolved into a war because of the response of the despotic government which they felt compelled to "throw off" at risk to their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. We may be able to turn things back peacefully but the possibilities of that diminish with each passing day that the government continues to grow and deny its citizens their natural rights. The time to act is now. GET INVOLVED!!!


  1. I think the first step in this process is to start practicing the "old way" of life. I think back to my great grandparents and how they grew most on what they ate. Their garden covered several acres and they raised livestock for meat and canned everything they needed for winter. I realize the impact this will have on local grocers and such but it is a step away from government and the government will not stop its insane spending practices until it has nothing left to spend. They can tax your income and tax your spending but they cannot touch what you grow and consume on your own. Just a thought.

  2. I like the article Steve and would agree the Fed's have gotten to big. This is more to Brandon, to return to the "old ways" of farming would mean killing several billion people with starvation since without modern farming techniques and mass production you cannot feed the world on the "old ways". There are currently 6 billion people on the planet which billion would you like to see starve to death? I'm sure it wouldn't be the billion or so that you are a part of.
